Man-made Environmental Disasters
Or human impacted landscape practices. These events inspire me as I build new worlds. I want to acknowledge that these processes have real consequences that affect people's livelihoods. However, my work is in no way intended to diminish the tragedies that impact people’s livelihoods. Chemical pollution, contaminated water, and disregarded cultural landscapes are just a few examples of the issues that dismantle public health and safety.
My work is a product of my imagination, rooted in my understanding of researched topics. With grace, creativity, and understanding, I hope my work is received as a visual expression that connects people to a reality that might be achieved by viewing nature and our environment from a different perspective. Through this process, I am able to transform and reframe information into an imagined reality that exists adjacently to our own.
Analysis of a MTR site in West Virginia overtime. From its establishment in 1996 to its full expansion achieved in 2022.
MTR is a process in which the tops of mountains, that are geologically correlated to large strains of coal ore, are leveled in order to extract the ore as a human-consumed resource for energy production.
As industries lose steam on these mining sites these huge operations have major impacts on the ecosystem from top to bottom.
Forest clearing is, as the name implies, a part in which the forest is cleared of its existing foliage and growth. This is the precursor to the other processes.
Selected information from The United States Department of Homeland Security 2015 National Preparedness Goal document.
See OSM R4450.
See 2005 “Bringing down the mountains:...” West Virginia University S. Burns graduate thesis document.
“Because MTR has only been occurring for a few decades, there is little scientific information about whether restorying original vegetation and ecological community on reclaimed mine sites can be accomplsihed.”